Friday, September 23, 2005

ONIA Announcement

The ONIA deadline for registration has been moved to Thursday, October 5, to accommodate requests for an extension. A few teams that registered early were found to have not followed some of the new instructions for this year. In order to give these teams a chance to correct their registration forms and to help those who are having difficulty in finding mentors, the organizers decided to extend the registration deadline.

This in no way extends any of the other deadlines; the concept papers will have to be submitted on the same deadline – Wednesday, October 19.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Outstanding Entrepreneur at ONIA Launch

September 1st saw the successful launch of the Oriental Negros Innovation Awards at the Open Hall of St. Paul University - Dumaguete. Attended by hundreds of students from St.Paul, Foundation University, Silliman University, Colegio de Santa Catalina de Alejandria, STI and ACSAT, and their respective Deans and faculty, including those from the negros Oriental State University, the launch was highlighted by a very inspiring talk by one of the Philippines' Outstanding Entrepreneurs and Outstanding Young Men Awardee, Jay Aldeguer.

(l-r: Sr. Nilda Masirag, President of SPUD; Guest
Speaker Jay Aldeguer; Javier Fortunato Jr, DTI Provincial Director; Gregorio Uymatiao, Jr., President of the Negros Oriental Business Development Foundation)

Jay shared that his start in business and being an entrepreneur did not begin after graduating from college, but began as early as Grade 5 when a classmate offered to buy his cartoon drawing for one peso. From that experience he said he learned the all-important lesson that he can make or produce things that other people will buy. He told the students that "real life" does not begin as soon as one graduates with a degree, but that it was already happening. To illustrate he recounted stories of his business ventures in college selling t-shirts out of his backpack and promoting a major basketball event, which all netted him serious "real life" money while he was still going to classes.

Jay Aldeguer, founder of the hugely popular Islands Souvenirs chain of souvenir shops and the 24-hour cable channel Cebu TV, to name a few of his businesses, is also the Philippine candidate for the British Council's Young Design Entrepreneur Competition which will culminate this month in the United Kingdom.