Saturday, February 18, 2006

ONIA 2006 Winners

First Place - Automatic Rice Seedbed Protection

L-R: AIM Prof. Jay Bernardo, TeleTech VP Mohan Kulkarni, Provincial Board Member Marcelo Adanza, the 4 members of the team, DTI Provincial Director Jong Fortunato, AIM Prof. Richard Cruz

Second Place - WatchDog 24

L-R: Jay Bernardo, Mohan Kulkarni, Hon. Adanza, SU Prof Kim Yong Gyun-mentor , 2 members of the team, Jong Fortunato, Richard Cruz

Third Place - i-Kard

L-R: Jay Bernardo, Mohan Kulkarni, 5 members
of the team, Jong Fortunato, Richard Cruz
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ONIA 2006 Speakers

Hon. Marcelo Adanza, Provincial Board Member, gave the speech of Governor George Arnaiz congratulating all the winners of this year's ONIA.

Engr. Boni Commandante, of BUHI, shared his experiences since winning the first ONIA (known in 2003 as the NOBDF Innovation Awards). Boni encouraged the participants and the students present, and exhorted them to go for their dreams.

FU President, Dr. Mira D. Sinco, congratulated all the winners and participants, and expressed their support for educational and entrepreneurial activities involving the schools in the city. Posted by Picasa

ONIA 2006 Audience

The teams' classmates and those who had joined but did not make it to the finals, all came to listen to the full business plan presentations and the elevator pitch competition. Present were students and teachers from various colleges of Foundation University, St. Paul University, Silliman University, the State University, Colegio de Santa Catalina de Alejandria, Asian College of Science & Technology, AMA and STI. Representatives from the business, government and non-government sectors also came to the competition.
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ONIA 2006 Elevator Pitch Winner

ONIA 2006 Elevator Pitch Winner: i-Kard

L-R: Foundation University President, Dr. Mira Sinco, Jong Fortunato, Hon. Adanza, Jay Bernardo, the 4 members of the team, Mohan Kulkarni, Richard Cruz Posted by Picasa

ONIA 2006 Winning Business Plans - Presentations

Automatic Rice Seedbed Protection

Watchdog 24

i-Kard Posted by Picasa

Friday, February 17, 2006

ONIA 2006 Round Table Discussions

Richard Cruz, Professor, Asian Institute of Management

Mohan Kulkarni, Vice President for Business Development, TeleTech Customer Care Management (Phils) Inc.

Francisco Bernardo III, Professor, Asian Institute of Management Posted by Picasa